Monday, November 17, 2008

Untitled (4AM)

i would have created poems like land marks or miles stones,
built jewel filled crowns even kneeled in front of you by thrones
but none of that would have been close to great
Nor come close to anything mentally i could create
Hungry with an appetite for affection on which few have ate
It almost 4 am but hours give no hints of it close to be late
normally i enjoy writing longer poems because they're more involving, but it was something that simply had to be said.

How 1 Word Could Be So Different

i felt as if i waited to long to commit these words to paper
To tell you of my vision that vanish like vapors
Trying to be more creative than lyrics clouding radio waves
Adolescent often, juvenile frequently,
that disprove how real gentlemen behave
I pave roads of expansion
Create house and mansions
In hope that one day you will do the same
Our hearts have talked for ages but still my mouth has never uttered your name
My eyes have met your and our smiles have taken long walks together
Our hands have touched without warning
Our tears have fallen with the promises of life will be better
Letters full of endless sentiments
That will stay testament that our names crossed paths in wet cement
Telling you of how there so many variations of the word love that are different
i wish i could honestly say this was dedicated to one woman, but it wasn't. It's has been a collection of laides that i've meet over the past days,weeks,months even years.