Tuesday, January 27, 2009

From Sunrise to Sunset

From Sunrise to Sunset
Moments filled without you but still of you
I persue but not to the point of a stalker
A man of action leave words for smooth talkers
Because words carry so many meanings
Dreaming thoughts that others scheme
I never was one to try to win love with an erection
Nor was i one to try to buy love affection
But i follows direction
That tell you to give you small tokens of how i feel
Peeled back layers at will
Torn down walls that i use to build
For you to see me as i am
Understand no ploys and scams
can be further from the truth
Words become so easily stuck to my mouth's roof.
Just as one many give their hearts away 1 day out of the year
I pray you hold these with the greatest of asteam and dear
For i put my thoughts on display for every eye and every ear
If we're just playing games for me it still isn't clear yet
The only thing that i'm sure of are these feelings from sunrise to sunset
[I wrote this poem for someone who may or may not know how fond of her that i am. As i awoke this past Sun morning i realized that right then and there she was more beautiful that the sunrise that i was watching from my blinds. My greatest fear as an artist or a writer is that my words will not be heard. ]