Thursday, January 14, 2010



Even after all this time my pen has never left the page
but it open doors locked cages
Can't you hear me calling you
Far away from traffic jams, fear of old age
thoughts of what's for dinner and endless days barely above minimum wage
allow me to set the stage
where normal days end... mines' begin
Pouring out my dreams, thoughts, and ideas.. so say when
Prepared to lift your head and remove your hands from your chin
Stop thinking about whether you will break or bend
I'm against sending texts and emails
because there's no way my essence can be shrunk down to scale
Emptiness and loneliness aren't harbored here to dwell
Ships name Disappointment and Sadness have sailed
When i utter your name it's not a comedy or adventure
It's like reaching the Holy Grail
I'm not just here to say hey, that's for farmers' bale
so when you round your love ones up from the bell
Until you left a veil of engagements bells
Even after a coffin receives nails
My thoughts are aspirations won't fail.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Forward this Email

Forward This Email
Addressed you to whom these visions belongs
Steroid words come across as to strong
Feeling like the seasons i must be among
As for you I long
Like Winter for Spring
Days seem like months between phone rings
Unanswered messages and left recordings
Attempting to share what the heart sings
That my dreams without you are like restless sleep
Emotions to deep to squeeze in before the beep
Instead i wrote an email
Unveiled before you what others sale
brought sincerity to shackled hearts in jail
Compelled to share my love never fails
Perhaps if i spelled "forever on your soul it will crack shells
Follow trails and you'll find me standing at the end
So after all the ships have sailed
You'll read this forwarded email
I originally wrote poem for a girl i was seeing. I wanted to express to her what exactly it was a felt in my heart when she wasn't there. My first rough draft was to rough that i didn't even publish it. I rewrote this because one of my friends' mothers collects the poetry that i write. The idea of that happening in itself is extremely close to my heart that someone likes my style of writing. As a tribute to the girl i was seeing and my friend's mother i breathed new life into this one.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I wrote this acapella

when you walk drums accompany you as a score

so it's hard to ignore how easily i fell for your allure

But not to the point of being on all fours

Paddled through ponds of fantasies with oars

Wondered if your smiles were greetings like open doors

What would you do for an encore

You see i wrote this acapella

Poured my dreams into your brown eyes

They comprise of energy from bongos, marcos and horns that drives

Houses hope and places promises on land which to lie

My heart howled at the moons in the skies

Hoping all along that you weren't the wise

Subdued as a note a saxophone blew.

No extent to the amount that my heart grew

you were like a fresh breathe of air that i drew

As i wrote this acapella

These words should be like a mixtape

Something you zone out to alone with headphones as you escape

Draped you with landscapes of love that filled dreamscapes

but I've fantasized about you as of late

You see i wrote this acapella

All these thoughts are addressed in a live studio session

I'll sing the lyrics while you hum the medleys

100% original no scratched samples of flirts and tease

Those with whom you sang duets with i find i envy.

Because i fear i never can make that great of an impression

Confessions recorded for the world to hear

Perhaps my spoken words won't fall upon deaf ears

All because i wrote this acapella

[i first read a rough version of this at a talent show christmas party. I got up in front of a crowd of strangers and confessed my feelings for a special somone. Even though i knew that she wasn't there. I later would lose this poem only to find it months later and finish it. I combined a lot of musical elements into this one because we both have a strong love of music. She may read this with very little understanding who i am or how i feel, but it's here for the world to see. ]

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

From Sunrise to Sunset

From Sunrise to Sunset
Moments filled without you but still of you
I persue but not to the point of a stalker
A man of action leave words for smooth talkers
Because words carry so many meanings
Dreaming thoughts that others scheme
I never was one to try to win love with an erection
Nor was i one to try to buy love affection
But i follows direction
That tell you to give you small tokens of how i feel
Peeled back layers at will
Torn down walls that i use to build
For you to see me as i am
Understand no ploys and scams
can be further from the truth
Words become so easily stuck to my mouth's roof.
Just as one many give their hearts away 1 day out of the year
I pray you hold these with the greatest of asteam and dear
For i put my thoughts on display for every eye and every ear
If we're just playing games for me it still isn't clear yet
The only thing that i'm sure of are these feelings from sunrise to sunset
[I wrote this poem for someone who may or may not know how fond of her that i am. As i awoke this past Sun morning i realized that right then and there she was more beautiful that the sunrise that i was watching from my blinds. My greatest fear as an artist or a writer is that my words will not be heard. ]

Monday, November 17, 2008

Untitled (4AM)

i would have created poems like land marks or miles stones,
built jewel filled crowns even kneeled in front of you by thrones
but none of that would have been close to great
Nor come close to anything mentally i could create
Hungry with an appetite for affection on which few have ate
It almost 4 am but hours give no hints of it close to be late
normally i enjoy writing longer poems because they're more involving, but it was something that simply had to be said.

How 1 Word Could Be So Different

i felt as if i waited to long to commit these words to paper
To tell you of my vision that vanish like vapors
Trying to be more creative than lyrics clouding radio waves
Adolescent often, juvenile frequently,
that disprove how real gentlemen behave
I pave roads of expansion
Create house and mansions
In hope that one day you will do the same
Our hearts have talked for ages but still my mouth has never uttered your name
My eyes have met your and our smiles have taken long walks together
Our hands have touched without warning
Our tears have fallen with the promises of life will be better
Letters full of endless sentiments
That will stay testament that our names crossed paths in wet cement
Telling you of how there so many variations of the word love that are different
i wish i could honestly say this was dedicated to one woman, but it wasn't. It's has been a collection of laides that i've meet over the past days,weeks,months even years.