Saturday, February 21, 2009

Forward this Email

Forward This Email
Addressed you to whom these visions belongs
Steroid words come across as to strong
Feeling like the seasons i must be among
As for you I long
Like Winter for Spring
Days seem like months between phone rings
Unanswered messages and left recordings
Attempting to share what the heart sings
That my dreams without you are like restless sleep
Emotions to deep to squeeze in before the beep
Instead i wrote an email
Unveiled before you what others sale
brought sincerity to shackled hearts in jail
Compelled to share my love never fails
Perhaps if i spelled "forever on your soul it will crack shells
Follow trails and you'll find me standing at the end
So after all the ships have sailed
You'll read this forwarded email
I originally wrote poem for a girl i was seeing. I wanted to express to her what exactly it was a felt in my heart when she wasn't there. My first rough draft was to rough that i didn't even publish it. I rewrote this because one of my friends' mothers collects the poetry that i write. The idea of that happening in itself is extremely close to my heart that someone likes my style of writing. As a tribute to the girl i was seeing and my friend's mother i breathed new life into this one.

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